Home Sports Malaysia Yayasan Sabah offers 25 pct rebate on study loan

Yayasan Sabah offers 25 pct rebate on study loan

Yayasan Sabah offers 25 pct rebate on study loan



KOTA KINABALU (Apr 18): Yayasan Sabah Group has once again implemented repayment discounts, with up to 25 per cent (lump sum payment) and 15 per cent (half loan payment) under its Appreciation Rebate Programme from April until 30 June 2023, to ease borrowers to repay their study loan balances.

According to the director of Yayasan Sabah, Dato’ Sri Haji Gulamhaidar @ Yusof bin Khan Bahadar, the programme is an incentive from Yayasan Sabah Group to borrowers. “Previously, the 25 per cent rebate was only given to study loan borrowers who wanted to shorten their payment period by at least 75 per cent of the prescribed repayment period. For 2023, through this special 25 per cent and 15 per cent rebate programme, borrowers are eligible for rebates offered based on the conditions set,” he explained.

This incentive will supplement the Federal Government’s efforts to implement the Loan Repayment Incentive of the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN), which went into effect on 1 March 2023.

“Yayasan Sabah Group is also offering a 15 per cent rebate to borrowers who wish to pay half (50 per cent) of their loan balance. Interested borrowers must, however, sign the rebate acceptance letter provided,” said Gulamhaidar.

For that purpose, Yayasan Sabah Group has also diversified its payment facilities to make it easier for borrowers to make payments. Throughout the programme, borrowers can make payments online, among other modes of remittance.

“Borrowers have various digital payment options, such as the Maybank2u application for Maybank customers and transfers using telegraph and JomPAY for other bank customers. Alternatively, we also accept payments made through Bank Standing Instructions, bank drafts and cheques,” he explained.

“Borrowers can also visit our payment counter at Level 6, Menara Tun Mustapha, Likas Bay, Yayasan Sabah’s office, Level 6, Urban Transformation Centre (UTC), Sembulan, Kota Kinabalu or our Zone Offices in Beaufort, Kota Marudu, Keningau, Sandakan and Tawau,” he added.

“With more study loan payments collected by Yayasan Sabah Group, we hope to raise more funds to enable Yayasan Sabah Group to continue to support and provide educational sponsorship for students in the future,” said Gulamhaidar.

For more information on the 25 per cent and 15 per cent Appreciation Rebate Programme, the public can visit the Yayasan Sabah Group website at http://www.yayasansabahgroup.org.my, KYS-Yayasan Sabah Group Facebook, telephone contact 088-326 300 (Ext-1716, 1242 & 1246), 014-328 8860, 016-828 6125, 010-955 6977 or email to bayaranbalikpengajian@ysnet.org.my.
