The film ‘Love’, directed by Suresh Krissna, was a remake of the same director’s Telugu hit ‘Prema’. ‘Love’ featured Salman and Revathy as star-crossed lovers. The film is remembered to this day for the song ‘Saathiya tuney kya kiya’. It was actually composed by Ilayaraja for the Telugu original but credited to Anand-Milind in the Hindi remake.
Now, 31 years later, Salman and Revathy are being reunited, although, not as a lead pair. Revathy will play an important role in ‘Tiger 3’, directed by Maneesh Sharma. ‘Tiger 3’ to be released in November 2023, would feature Revathy as Shenoy, the RAW chief who mentors Salman’s career.
Interestingly Shenoy was played by the late Girish Karnad, who passed away soon after playing the role a second time in ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’. The role is now being gender-swapped to accommodate Revathy. Says Revathy, “I am replacing Girishji as the RAW chief in Tiger 3.”