Petrol Price has touched a record high of Rs 100-a-litre mark in Mumbai on Saturday. The domestic fuel prices have been on a steep rise since the beginning of this month. After a gap of 18 days, state-run oil marketing companies resumed daily revisions of fuel prices on May 4. Since then, petrol price has increased by Rs 3.30 per litre and diesel by Rs 3.89.
Petrol has also climbed to an all-time high in the national capital on Saturday. In Delhi, petrol costs Rs 93.94 a litre while diesel is being sold at Rs 84.89. In Mumbai, petrol price has jumped to Rs 100.19 on May 29. A litre of diesel is available at Rs 84.89 in the financial capital.
The price of auto fuel in India depends on international crude oil prices, rupee-dollar exchange rate. Moreover, the central government and states levy various taxes — excise duty and Value Added Tax (VAT) on petrol and diesel. Dealer’s commission and freight charges are also added in the fuel price. It must be noted that petrol and diesel do not come under the purview of goods and services tax (GST).