The Galaxy Buds+ and the Galaxy Buds Pro were launched by Samsung a long time ago, but the company is still releasing timely updates that add new features and also get overall improvement. PhoneArena reports that the Samsung earbuds will receive the wear detection feature that will function during voice calls.
This feature automatically detects the wearing status of the buds if the earbuds are connected to a phone or tablet. When connected to a device, it can pause and resume audio playback or can switch audio modes for calls. This update is only available in South Korea for the local market for now and the company might soon roll out this feature to the other markets in the world.
This means that the Samsung Galaxy Buds+ and Buds Pro can pause the playback media or can even choose what speaker a voice call is using once you remove an earbud from your ear.
Although the update has just surfaced in South Korea for now, it can be assumed that it will be rolled out globally in the coming days. It is also notable that the update brings stability improvements as mentioned in the change-log.