Most importantly, it affects pregnant women who are expecting a child. They need to take proper care during this period. Though, this Solar Eclipse is not visible in India but pregnant women still need to be alert and there are certain do’s and don’ts, which pregnant women around the globe need to follow for their child’s health:
Total Solar Eclipse 2024: Do’s and Don’ts
The main advice given to expectant mothers during a solar eclipse is to keep to yourself. Avoiding direct exposure to the setting sun is essential to protect the developing child from potential damage.
Expectant mothers should use protective gear like sunglasses or custom eclipse glasses when they are outside. During the solar eclipse, these wearables shield the eyes from the damaging effects of the sun’s direct beam.
It is vitally important to be properly hydrated during a solar eclipse. Drinking enough water is advised for pregnant women in order to maintain hydrated and effectively regulate body temperature.
Meditation and Yoga
Stress and pregnancy don’t mix well. Pregnant women during the eclipse have an urgent need to practice relaxation techniques and maintain a state of relaxation to support general wellness. They are advised get involved in meditation and yoga during the period.
Sleeping during the Eclipse is not considered auspicious so pregnant women are advised not to sleep during the Solar Eclipse.
It is said that eating during a solar eclipse could cause stomach issues. It is advised that expectant mothers skip meals during the eclipse.
During a solar eclipse, staring directly at the sun might cause eye injury. It is advised that expectant mothers avoid staring at the sun without sufficient protection.
It is not recommended to play with pointy objects during the eclipse. This is thought to increase the risk of mishaps or injury.
During a solar eclipse, pregnant women should refrain from engaging in any physically demanding tasks. To avoid undue stress, it is best to rest and not exercise much.