This Friday, Bollywood actors Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda are scheduled to tie the wedding. According to reports, Kriti and Pulkit are organizing a four-day wedding celebration that began on March 13. The stars of Veerey Ki Wedding, who have been dating for a few years, will tie the knot at Gurugram’s ITC Grand Bharat in Manesar.
What Future Holds For Kriti Kharbanda?
As per the principles of ‘Zero Numerology’, the name ‘Kriti Kharbanda’ adds to a magical master number i.e.33 which carries both energies of Jupiter (Due to 3) and Venus (Due to 6 being its total sum).
Furthermore, the first letter of her name i.e. ‘K’ is ruled by the Number 2 (Moon), and the first name i.e. ‘Kriti’ is ruled by the Number 1(10) which carries the trait of Sun.
A careful assessment of her current name, social media handle, and face, suggests a super successful time for her post-marriage. Her presence on OTT and online space will win hearts as well as commercial success to her. The next few years also offer her chances to win recognition on a national level.
She may also venture into business or be an angel investor for business especially related to fashion and beauty products which will be a win-win for near to midterm outlook.
What Future Holds For Pulkit Samrat?
As per the principles of ‘Zero Numerology’, the name ‘Pulkit Samrat’ adds to 39 which carries the energy of Jupiter & Mars.
Furthermore, the first letter of the name i.e. ‘P’ carries the energy of the Number 8 (Saturn), and his first name i.e. ‘Pulkit’ carries the energy of 24 (6) which has a blend of Moon and Venus energy in it.
A careful assessment of her current name, social media handle, and face, suggests an excellent time ahead for him professionally and he will win hearts with his both onscreen and offscreen behavior patterns.
Post-marriage, he will be seen closer to family and would actively take interest in businesses such as production houses among others.
His lady luck will win him commercial accolades and his presence will be transformational to the brand he works with.
What Future Hold for Them as Couple?
A comprehensive assessment of their name and face, reveals a great bond and care for each other which will make them feel merrier and joyous when together.
In the marriage, Kriti need to take care of emotional and mental wellbeing whereas Pulkit need to develop a sense to listen to his inner voice and read the silence.
Piece of Advice
Sync their name, social media handles and signature which is positive to each other together as well as individually. This becomes more crucial for Pulkit.
Listening to their own inner voice and trusting them will be great for the couple in longer run.
We wish the couple a happy and joyous time ahead!
This article is written by, Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Astro Numerologist, Life & Relationship coach, Numrovani
What Future Holds For Kriti Kharbanda?
As per the principles of ‘Zero Numerology’, the name ‘Kriti Kharbanda’ adds to a magical master number i.e.33 which carries both energies of Jupiter (Due to 3) and Venus (Due to 6 being its total sum).
Furthermore, the first letter of her name i.e. ‘K’ is ruled by the Number 2 (Moon), and the first name i.e. ‘Kriti’ is ruled by the Number 1(10) which carries the trait of Sun.
A careful assessment of her current name, social media handle, and face, suggests a super successful time for her post-marriage. Her presence on OTT and online space will win hearts as well as commercial success to her. The next few years also offer her chances to win recognition on a national level.
She may also venture into business or be an angel investor for business especially related to fashion and beauty products which will be a win-win for near to midterm outlook.
What Future Holds For Pulkit Samrat?
As per the principles of ‘Zero Numerology’, the name ‘Pulkit Samrat’ adds to 39 which carries the energy of Jupiter & Mars.
Furthermore, the first letter of the name i.e. ‘P’ carries the energy of the Number 8 (Saturn), and his first name i.e. ‘Pulkit’ carries the energy of 24 (6) which has a blend of Moon and Venus energy in it.
A careful assessment of her current name, social media handle, and face, suggests an excellent time ahead for him professionally and he will win hearts with his both onscreen and offscreen behavior patterns.
Post-marriage, he will be seen closer to family and would actively take interest in businesses such as production houses among others.
His lady luck will win him commercial accolades and his presence will be transformational to the brand he works with.
What Future Hold for Them as Couple?
A comprehensive assessment of their name and face, reveals a great bond and care for each other which will make them feel merrier and joyous when together.
In the marriage, Kriti need to take care of emotional and mental wellbeing whereas Pulkit need to develop a sense to listen to his inner voice and read the silence.
Piece of Advice
Sync their name, social media handles and signature which is positive to each other together as well as individually. This becomes more crucial for Pulkit.
Listening to their own inner voice and trusting them will be great for the couple in longer run.
We wish the couple a happy and joyous time ahead!
This article is written by, Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Astro Numerologist, Life & Relationship coach, Numrovani
Pulkit Samrat-Kriti Kharbanda to exchange vows in Manesar? Here is what we know!