
“Vyommitra” is a name derived from two Sanskrit words “Vyoma” (meaning ‘space’) and “Mitra” (meaning ‘friend’).The Vyommitra, Jitendra Singh said, is equipped with the capability to monitor module parameters, will issue alerts and execute life support operations. It can also perform tasks such as operating six panels and responding to queries. Singh elaborated that ‘Vyommitra’ is designed in such a manner so as to simulate human functions in the space environment and interact with the life support system.
Vyommitra made its debut during the opening session of the 2021 event titled ‘Human Spaceflight and Exploration – Present Challenges and Future Trends’.
Pertinent to mention that as a run-up to the launch of India’s first human space flight mission, the first test vehicle flight TV D1 was accomplished on October 21 last year. This was meant to qualify the crew escape system and parachute system. The human-rating of the launch vehicle is also complete. All the propulsion stages are qualified and all the preparations are in place.
The Gaganyaan project envisages demonstration of human space capabilities by launching the three astronauts into an orbit of 400 km and then bringing them back safely to Earth by landing them in India’s sea waters.
Numerous precursor missions have been planned to demonstrate the technology preparedness levels before the actual human spaceflight mission takes place. These demonstrator missions encompass the integrated air drop test (IADT), pad abort test (PAT) and test vehicle (TV) flights. The safety and reliability of all systems will be rigorously tested in unmanned missions prior to embarking on manned missions.