Daily Hindu Panchang or Aaj ka Panchang contains an important information such as Tithi, Nakshatra, Rahu Kaal and Hindu Month. With the help of these details, you can get know about the shubh muhurat or auspicious timings for special events or doing something new. In this Panchang, the astrologer also advise you to avoid ashubh muhurat or inauspicious timings before making an important decision, planning some events such as wedding, engagement, Mundan and Grah Pravesh.
Let’s dive into the world of Hindu astrology and explore Aaj Ka Panchang for March 6, 2024.Get ready to unlock the secrets of the stars and find out what they have in store for you today.
Daily Panchang: 6th March 2024
Tithi: Ekadashi upto 28:16:42
Nakshatra: Poorva Ashadha upto 14:53:08
Karana: Bhav upto 17:30:26, Baalav upto 28:16:42
Paksha: Krishna
Yoga: Vyatipata upto 11:32:46
Day: Buddhavara
Sun And Moon Calculations
Sun Rise: 06:40:32
Sun Set: 18:24:31
Moon Sign: Dhanu upto 20:29:29
Moon Rise: 28:30:00
Moon Set: 13:48:00
Ritu: Vasanta
Hindu Month And Year
Shaka Samvat: 1945 Shobhakruth
Vikram Samvat: 2080
Kali Samvat: 5124
Pravishte / Gate: 23
Month Purnimanta: Phalguna
Month Amanta: Magha
Day Duration: 11:43:58
Inauspicious Timings (Ashubha Muhurat)
Dushta Muhurtas: From 12:09:04 To 12:55:59
Kulika: From 12:09:04 To 12:55:59
Kantaka / Mrityu: From 16:50:39 To 17:37:35
Rahu Kaal: From 12:32:32 To 14:00:31
Kalavela / Ardhayaam: From 07:27:28 To 08:14:24
Yamaghanta: From 09:01:20 To 09:48:16
Yamaganda: From 08:08:32 To 09:36:32
Gulika Kaal: From 11:04:32 To 12:32:32
Auspicious Timings (Shubha Muhurat)
Abhijit: None
About Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla
Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla is the son of famous astrologer Bejan Daruwalla. He is known for his detailed astrological predictions on career, health, love, finance, and business. You can read horoscope predictions by him on TimesofIndia.com for guidance on problems related to your life and solve your problem with the help of expert astrologer Chirag Daruwalla.
Let’s dive into the world of Hindu astrology and explore Aaj Ka Panchang for March 6, 2024.Get ready to unlock the secrets of the stars and find out what they have in store for you today.
Daily Panchang: 6th March 2024
Tithi: Ekadashi upto 28:16:42
Nakshatra: Poorva Ashadha upto 14:53:08
Karana: Bhav upto 17:30:26, Baalav upto 28:16:42
Paksha: Krishna
Yoga: Vyatipata upto 11:32:46
Day: Buddhavara
Sun And Moon Calculations
Sun Rise: 06:40:32
Sun Set: 18:24:31
Moon Sign: Dhanu upto 20:29:29
Moon Rise: 28:30:00
Moon Set: 13:48:00
Ritu: Vasanta
Hindu Month And Year
Shaka Samvat: 1945 Shobhakruth
Vikram Samvat: 2080
Kali Samvat: 5124
Pravishte / Gate: 23
Month Purnimanta: Phalguna
Month Amanta: Magha
Day Duration: 11:43:58
Inauspicious Timings (Ashubha Muhurat)
Dushta Muhurtas: From 12:09:04 To 12:55:59
Kulika: From 12:09:04 To 12:55:59
Kantaka / Mrityu: From 16:50:39 To 17:37:35
Rahu Kaal: From 12:32:32 To 14:00:31
Kalavela / Ardhayaam: From 07:27:28 To 08:14:24
Yamaghanta: From 09:01:20 To 09:48:16
Yamaganda: From 08:08:32 To 09:36:32
Gulika Kaal: From 11:04:32 To 12:32:32
Auspicious Timings (Shubha Muhurat)
Abhijit: None
About Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla
Astrologer Chirag Daruwalla is the son of famous astrologer Bejan Daruwalla. He is known for his detailed astrological predictions on career, health, love, finance, and business. You can read horoscope predictions by him on TimesofIndia.com for guidance on problems related to your life and solve your problem with the help of expert astrologer Chirag Daruwalla.