Ratha Saptami festival is dedicated to Lord Surya. On this auspicious day, Lord Surya was born so this day is also celebrated as Magha Saptami and Surya Jayanti. Ratha Saptami will be celebrated on February 16, 2024.
As per astrology, Sun is one of the main and strongest planets among other planets. Sun is the ultimate source of energy. So, if we see this festival astrologically then it is an opportunity to all the people, who have a weak position of Sun in their birth charts.They can perform few powerful remedies on the day of Surya Jayanti to please the Lord and seek blessings.
Here we have mentioned that how you should perform puja according to your zodiac signs :-
Aries people are energetic and they also have a dynamic energy so they can worship Lord Surya by doing Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) yoga sequences on a regular basis and they can also offer red flower while offering Arghya to Lord Surya.
Taurus people are capable of designing an opulent and tranquil place of worship. They are advised to present fresh fruits to represent the vitality of the Sun, particularly oranges and other citrus fruits. With sincerity, recite the Gayatri mantra or other Surya mantras.
Gemini people might worship Surya by participating in mentally challenging rituals such as meditating and keeping Maun Vrat. They must recite stories related to Lord Surya on this auspicious day and they should offer yellow flowers and recite hymns or Surya stotras.
Cancerians can use visualisation and meditation to connect with Surya’s caring energy. They are suggested to spend time outside and take a sunlight directly sitting under the Sun. They must express their gratitude by chanting 12 Mantras.
Leos are able to adore Surya with majesty and awe as Sun is the lord of this zodiac sign. To represent the glory of the Sun, create an altar with gold and orange decorations. With utmost dedication, recite Aditya Hridya Stotram while lighting lamps of ghee (clarified butter).
Virgo people can worship Surya with purity. First offer water to the Sun in the morning. They should also present grains, jaggery and lentils to the Lord, and recite hymns such as Surya Ashtakam.
Libras can honour Surya by pursuing balance and harmony. Perform Surya Namaskar yoga at the time of rising Sun that help to bring your mind and body into harmony with the energy of the Sun. For strength and clarity, offer white flowers and recite the Aditya Hridayam stotram.
Scorpios are capable of deep and intense Surya worship. First offer Arghya at the time of Sun rise and for protection, recite Surya Kavacham and offer red sandalwood paste to the Lord.
People born under the sign of Sagittarius can worship Surya with an exploratory and adventurous spirit. Visit Surya temple and perform puja through a priest. For spiritual enlightenment, offer yellow fruits and chant the Surya Gayatri mantra.
People, who are Capricorns can worship Surya with dedication and discipline. Offer water to the Sun and red colour flowersand recite Gayatri Mantra. Donate grains to Brahmins.
Aquarians can worship Lord Surya in a most intuitive manner. Offer water to Lord Surya early in the morning and put some jaggery into that water. To honour Surya’s energy, give sunflower seeds and provide a hand with solar energy projects.
People who are Pisces can offer prayers to Lord Surya in a compassionate and spiritual way. To connect with the holy light of the Sun inside, practise meditation and visualisation techniques. For spiritual elevation, offer lotus flowers and recite the Surya Sahasranama.
As per astrology, Sun is one of the main and strongest planets among other planets. Sun is the ultimate source of energy. So, if we see this festival astrologically then it is an opportunity to all the people, who have a weak position of Sun in their birth charts.They can perform few powerful remedies on the day of Surya Jayanti to please the Lord and seek blessings.
Here we have mentioned that how you should perform puja according to your zodiac signs :-
Aries people are energetic and they also have a dynamic energy so they can worship Lord Surya by doing Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) yoga sequences on a regular basis and they can also offer red flower while offering Arghya to Lord Surya.
Taurus people are capable of designing an opulent and tranquil place of worship. They are advised to present fresh fruits to represent the vitality of the Sun, particularly oranges and other citrus fruits. With sincerity, recite the Gayatri mantra or other Surya mantras.
Gemini people might worship Surya by participating in mentally challenging rituals such as meditating and keeping Maun Vrat. They must recite stories related to Lord Surya on this auspicious day and they should offer yellow flowers and recite hymns or Surya stotras.
Cancerians can use visualisation and meditation to connect with Surya’s caring energy. They are suggested to spend time outside and take a sunlight directly sitting under the Sun. They must express their gratitude by chanting 12 Mantras.
Leos are able to adore Surya with majesty and awe as Sun is the lord of this zodiac sign. To represent the glory of the Sun, create an altar with gold and orange decorations. With utmost dedication, recite Aditya Hridya Stotram while lighting lamps of ghee (clarified butter).
Virgo people can worship Surya with purity. First offer water to the Sun in the morning. They should also present grains, jaggery and lentils to the Lord, and recite hymns such as Surya Ashtakam.
Libras can honour Surya by pursuing balance and harmony. Perform Surya Namaskar yoga at the time of rising Sun that help to bring your mind and body into harmony with the energy of the Sun. For strength and clarity, offer white flowers and recite the Aditya Hridayam stotram.
Scorpios are capable of deep and intense Surya worship. First offer Arghya at the time of Sun rise and for protection, recite Surya Kavacham and offer red sandalwood paste to the Lord.
People born under the sign of Sagittarius can worship Surya with an exploratory and adventurous spirit. Visit Surya temple and perform puja through a priest. For spiritual enlightenment, offer yellow fruits and chant the Surya Gayatri mantra.
People, who are Capricorns can worship Surya with dedication and discipline. Offer water to the Sun and red colour flowersand recite Gayatri Mantra. Donate grains to Brahmins.
Aquarians can worship Lord Surya in a most intuitive manner. Offer water to Lord Surya early in the morning and put some jaggery into that water. To honour Surya’s energy, give sunflower seeds and provide a hand with solar energy projects.
People who are Pisces can offer prayers to Lord Surya in a compassionate and spiritual way. To connect with the holy light of the Sun inside, practise meditation and visualisation techniques. For spiritual elevation, offer lotus flowers and recite the Surya Sahasranama.