Home Lifestyle & Travel Pakistan Award-Winning Novel Highlights Refugee’s Return to Chile After Dictatorship

Award-Winning Novel Highlights Refugee’s Return to Chile After Dictatorship

Award-Winning Novel Highlights Refugee’s Return to Chile After Dictatorship


“I want to share my knowledge and experience of living in a different culture;” Townley said, “Chile’s tragic history, the warmth of its people, its amazing geographic extremes, a taste of Chile’s literary traditions and its fascinating ongoing political turmoil.”

Townley’s voluntary work with Amnesty International led to her full-time voluntary work in Chile for two years, working in disadvantaged communities. There, she chronicled her experiences and observations in a diary that ultimately led to the crafting of “The Dogs Are Curling Up Again.”

“I hope to encourage an understanding and empathy with refugees from anywhere in the world;” Townley said, “and to recognize that exile itself is a further loss and pain on top of their original suffering that brought about their need to flee their country.”

“The Dogs Are Curling Up Again”
By Margaret H. Townley
ISBN: 9781982286385 (softcover); 9781982286392 (electronic)
Available at BalboaPress, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the author
Margaret H. Townley graduated from Edinburgh University, Scotland, with a degree in politics, after which she commenced a social work career, in Scotland and later in England. As a mature student, Margaret studied part-time for a degree in Hispanic and Latin American Studies, whilst continuing to work as a social worker, managing a preventative project, which she had the opportunity to create through Action for Children. She has two sons and now has four grandchildren. To learn more, please visit https://www.margarettownley.com/.

Media Contact

Cydney De Los Santos, LAVIDGE, 4806487588, [email protected]

SOURCE Balboa Press
