“I think the Congress party will do very well in the next election. I think it will surprise people. Just do the math, a united opposition will defeat the BJP on its own,” Gandhi said in response to media queries at the National Press Club in Washington, according to reports from the venue.
“The opposition is pretty well united. We are having conversations with all the opposition parties. I think quite a lot of good work is happening there. It’s a complicated discussion because there are spaces where we are competing with the opposition. So a bit of give and take is required. But I am confident that it (a grand opposition alliance) will happen.”
He endorsed Modi government’s dealing with Russia amid its war with Ukraine and emphasised the importance of the Indo-Russia bilateral ties.
IUML Completely Secular: Rahul
To a question as to how Congress can justify its alliance with its Kerala ally, the Indian Union Muslim League, he said, “The Muslim League is a completely secular party, there is nothing non-secular about them.”