Home Sports Malaysia Relevant authorities called to repair access road at SMK Kapit

Relevant authorities called to repair access road at SMK Kapit

Relevant authorities called to repair access road at SMK Kapit


Photo shows a section of the concrete road at SMK Kapit, where some cracks can be seen on the surface.

KAPIT (May 27): A call has been made upon the relevant authorities to carry out repair works on a concrete access road at SMK Kapit.

According to a local resident, many parents have complained to him about the poor state of the 150-metre stretch.

“The road is weather-worn.

“There are cracks here and there, very ‘unfriendly’ to motorists,” he told The Borneo Post here yesterday, requesting anonymity.

Built in the 1970s, SMK Kapit is the oldest secondary school in Kapit. Currently, it houses some 1,600 students under the charge of over 100 teachers.
