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Sheikh Mohammed reveals best and worst rated UAE government services

Sheikh Mohammed reveals best and worst rated UAE government services


The ratings came from public experience surveys…

The results are in. Your votes have been weighed, counted and verified and we now know the best and the worst UAE government services as chosen by you.

How were the UAE government services ranked and rated?

With more than 1,400 services operating across the UAE, compiling data on the relative performance of each one — was no walk in the park (although walks in the park obviously fall under the Municipality purview).

The survey collected data (more than one million responses per month) on services from providers such as DEWA, Emirates Post, the schools, the various Ministries, the Central Bank and the Telecoms Regulatory authority. The information was then compiled under what is being called the ‘Government Services Observatory.’

Top of the pops

Top performers and the ‘see me after class’ positions were revealed in a Tweet from His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, which stated: “The issuance of passports and driver’s licenses … in addition to the excellence of the services of the Ministry of Interior and Foreign Affairs” were “top of the best services, according to the public”.

Bottom of the pile

Any guesses on those services where there might be room for a bit of self-improvement? According to Sheikh Mohammed’s tweet, it was “the services of attestation and equivalence of educational certificates and booking medical appointments” that were the lowest rated.


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