Home Lifestyle & Travel Bangladesh TTOT = Travel Talk on Twitter – Travel Dudes

TTOT = Travel Talk on Twitter – Travel Dudes

TTOT = Travel Talk on Twitter – Travel Dudes


#TTOT – Travel Talk on Twitter is the travel community’s biggest Twitter chat, taking place every Tuesday at 9:30 AM/PM GMT.

(Use the #TTOT hashtag during the week for your travel tweets!)

#TTOT – The Chat: It occurs *twice* every Tuesday: 9:30 AM and 9:30 PM Greenwich Mean Time

Check a World Clock and Meeting Planner to find where that time is in your part of the world.


Just copy, paste and tweet each question at the right time. Then join the discussion and have fun!

Around 9:15 am & pm GMT (or similar tweets):

Get ready for #TTOT (Travel Talk on Twitter: https://traveldudes.com/ttot-travel-talk-on-twitter)! Today’s topic: ‘Photo Tips’

Join the fun on Travel Talk on Twitter by searching for #TTOT on Twitter, then clicking on the option “latest”.

Join the fun on TRAVEL TALK ON TWITTER. Search for #TTOT then click on the option “latest”. Find today’s 5 travel questions to discuss here:  traveldudes.com/ttot-travel-talk-on-twitter/

Travel Talk on Twitter
TTOT = Travel Talk on Twitter

Travel Talk on Twitter Questions

9:30 am&pm GMT:
Q1 via @tangenghui:  While traveling, what camera gear do you normally take along?  #TTOT

9:40 am&pm GMT:

Q2 via @SonjaSwissLife:  While travelling, do you prefer to take photos of people & urban places including architecture or are you more attracted to photographing nature & landscape? Tell us why you have these preferences while travelling, if any.  #TTOT

9:50 am&pm GMT:

Q3 via @TravelDudes:  Share a travel photograph that you are most proud of and let us know why.  #TTOT

10:00 am&pm GMT:

Q4 via @SonjaSwissLife:  What is your best tip for photographing people in a place in which you are visiting?  #TTOT

10:10 am&pm GMT:

Q5 via @tangenghui:  What’s your top tip for getting a great photo every time?  #TTOT

Topic next week to tweet about:

Be the FIRST to propose your #TTOT #travel #chat questions & see yourself featured on the next #TTOT chat: facebook.com/TravelTalkOnTwitter  
Next #TTOT topic: ‘Photo Tips’   

Please help to promote next week’s topic a couple of times!

Next Topics:

16th May: Photo Tips
23rd May: Exploring Locally
30th May: National Parks
6th June: Unique Architecture
13th June: Eco Tourism Resorts / Destinations
20th June: Foodie World (Best Eating & Cooking Lessons)
27th June: Packing Light
4th July: Views from Above
11th July: Unusual Guided City Walks
18th July: Unique Museums
25th July: Dealing with Waste
1st August: Gap Year
8th August: Travel Gifts
15th August: Wine Travel
22nd August: Slow Travel
29th August: Coffee, Tea & Travel

Further info about the Travel Talk on Twitter:

Travel Talk on Twitter is a social media travel event and a social travel hashtag on Twitter. Look out for the hashtag #TTOT

#TTOT Basics for the event:

* There are 2 #TTOT sessions. Like that, all the travel tweeters in every time zone can join the fun! (And the fun doesn’t end just because #TTOT does. Feel free to keep responding throughout the day.)

* The hosts will send out 5 questions. Every 10 minutes there will be a new question.

Facebook page: facebook.com/TravelTalkOnTwitter On this page you will be able to see which topic will be next, but even better… You can submit your questions and with a bit of luck, your question might get chosen for #TTOT! So, be creative! (And don’t forget to include your Twitter handle so we can credit you during the event.)

#TTOT – The Hashtag:

Whenever you need any travel related help…
Whenever you have a question for your travels…
Whenever you tweet about travel… Just add it to your tweet! It’s short & a very well known hashtag!

Travelers worldwide will look out for it and will use it as well to tweet about their passion…


It’s not a hashtag of a single company… It’s YOURS… It’s OUR Social Travel Hashtag!

You can use #TTOT throughout the week to tag your travel-related tweets to get the attention of others in the #TTOT community. Twitter is about being social and it starts with a simple #TTOT.

#TTOT’s promises to you:

1) We pledge to be as open as possible.
2) We promise to take all criticism and ideas with the utmost seriousness and respect. Let us know if there’s anything you think needs to change for us to better serve the travel Twitter community.
3) We won’t use your tweets for any outside publication without your knowledge and consent.

That being said, don’t be surprised if you end up in a #TTOT recap. If you are surprised, we hope it’s in a happy way. Please don’t assume that #TTOT runs the recaps, though, as we don’t. If you don’t want to be included in a recap, contact that person directly.
