Home Entertainment Morroco How the Moscow Metro has grown from 1935 to 2023 (INFOGRAPHICS)

How the Moscow Metro has grown from 1935 to 2023 (INFOGRAPHICS)

How the Moscow Metro has grown from 1935 to 2023 (INFOGRAPHICS)


A new line of the Moscow Metro opened in March 2023, becoming the longest underground circle route in the world – over 70 km!

Video by Olga Konina, Anton Romanov

In total, the Moscow Metro has 14 lines with 258 stations, a 4.7-kilometer-long monorail line with six stations, the Moscow Central Circle line with 31 stations and a suburban train system called ‘Moscow Central Diameter’ with two lines and 61 stations.

The first Moscow Metro line (the Red line, which is called ‘Sokolnicheskaya’) was opened in 1935 and had only 13 stations.

In the next few years, the Moscow Metro will also get new radial lines in the south and south-west of the city.

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