Home Science Bangladesh Netflix password-sharing crackdown: Users in THESE countries to now pay for an extra member

Netflix password-sharing crackdown: Users in THESE countries to now pay for an extra member

Netflix password-sharing crackdown: Users in THESE countries to now pay for an extra member


To tackle losses of subscribers, Netflix made an announcement on Wednesday relating to suppression of password-sharing in four more countries. Now, Netflix subscribers in Canada, New Zealand, Portugal, and Spain must pay an additional charge if they wish to share their membership with friends and family members who they do not live with.

These password-sharing restrictions are already there in a few nations, but the company earlier said that it will be implemented widely this year where password sharing outside of a single home will incur extra fees.

According to the media behemoth,100 million individuals worldwide utilise shared accounts. Netflix’s capacity to invest in new television material was being hampered by the loss of income from the shared accounts, the company claimed. 

“So over the last year, we’ve been exploring different approaches to address this issue in Latin America, and we’re now ready to roll them out more broadly in the coming months, starting today in Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and Spain. Our focus has been on giving  members greater control over who can access their account,” Netflix said in a blogpost. 

The company said an extra member sub account can be added for up to two people the user does not live with. It added that each of the extra members can be added with a “profile, personalized recommendations, login and password — for an extra CAD$7.99 a month per person in Canada, NZD$7.99 in New Zealand, Euro 3.99 in Portugal, and Euro 5.99 in Spain.” 

Opening a little floor for the now-to-be-charged audiences Netflix said the company will “refine these new features based on member feedback so that we continue to improve Netflix in the years ahead.” 

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