Musk revealed on Twitter that the social media platform will not let others know which device was used to send a tweet from. He called it a “waste of screen space”.“We will finally stop adding what device a tweet was written on (waste of screen space & compute) below every tweet. Literally no one even knows why we did that…, he said in a tweet.
@sampullara And we will finally stop adding what device a tweet was written on (waste of screen space & compute) be… https://t.co/wikS36jkJI
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 1668439793000
It’s ‘good news’ for those who make the iPhone faux pas
There have been far too many occasions when social media teams at Samsung, Google and a few other brands have flexed about a certain feature — or taken a dig at Apple — on Twitter. While there’s no problem with that, they often ended up using an iPhone to do so. Keen observers were rather quick to point out the faux pas and brands rushed to delete the tweet.
It has happened quite a few times in the past with Samsung. In 2021, Samsung used an iPhone to tweet about its Galaxy Unpacked event. One of Samsung’s brand ambassadors spoke highly about the company’s phones but tweeted about it from an iPhone. Closer home, actress Anushka Sharma in 2018 promoted the Google Pixel phones but was using an iPhone to do so. It’s not that big a deal as such but Musk’s proposed change will certainly save brands from having that awkward moment.