Home Technology & Startups India Wordle 489 answer for October 21: Wordle 489 Hints, clues, and answer for today

Wordle 489 answer for October 21: Wordle 489 Hints, clues, and answer for today

Wordle 489 answer for October 21: Wordle 489 Hints, clues, and answer for today


The everyday puzzles keep the curiosity among the players guessing the word. Wordle can be paid for free on the New York Times website. The answer for the Wordle quiz on October 21 are here. Are you ready for today’s wordle solutions?
Wordle is an online entertaining puzzle game which is owned by the New York Times. Everyday, a new word comes up and players are given six attempts to guess the correct word. While guessing, the colour of the tiles changes to help players figure out the word. A grey letter indicates that it is not in today’s word, but a yellow letter indicates that it is in today’s word but in the incorrect location. Then there’s the green letter, which indicates that it’s in the correct word and location.
Mentioned below are some hints for Wordle 489
Today’s wordle starts with the alphabet G.
Wordle word 489 ends with the letter E.
Today’s wordle for October 21 refers to a a small wood or other group of trees.
Don’t worry if you are still having trouble guessing the answers to Wordle 489.
GROVE is the solution to Wordle 489 for today (October 21).
If you keep on winning for two or more days in a row, you will be awarded a winning streak. This will continue until you fail to guess the word one day, at which point the streak will be broken.
