In the task, the contestants had to go inside the glass container in the cold water and unlock small boxes inside it. They were given 5 keys and 3 locks. Mr. Faisu picked Jannat to do the task while Chetna Pande chose Rajiv Adatia. Jannat lost as she fainted and Rajiv emerged victorious.
For the next stunt, Rajiv chose Sriti Jha and Jannat went for Kanika Mann. Since Pratik was left, he went straight to the elimination round.
In another stunt, Sriti and Jannat competed with each other in collecting 5 flags from the barrel and hooking 3 of them on the net at the bottom side of a helicopter. Sriti completed the task but Jannat aborted it.
Since team Rubina had the maximum fear funda, they were asked to select contestants to compete with Pratik. Kanika and Jannat were chosen for it.
The three of them had to stand on a hanging platform which they were told would keep rotating. They had to collect, transfer and hook 4 flags. They were told the contestant who’d lose balance and fall will lose the game.
Both Kanika and Jannat fell down but Pratik did not attempt the stunt at all. Since he aborted the task, he got eliminated from the show.