But there’s no scandal here. Stewart has assured Chelsea Handler she’s no homewrecker, even though she’s had the opportunity.
Stewart said she does have a few crushes though, telling Handler, “Turns out, you know, one of them is married to the mother of some friends of mine.”
“He’s so attractive,” she said.
Handler wasn’t having it, telling Stewart, “You can’t be a homewrecker.”
“I’ve never been a homewrecker, and I’ve tried really hard not to be,” Stewart replied. “I’ve had the opportunity to be a homewrecker and I have not taken anybody up on it.”
Handler suggested Stewart wait it out, saying perhaps the marriage will end anyway.
“Or maybe they’ll die,” Stewart replied. “I always think, Oh gosh, couldn’t that person just die? Not painfully, just die.”
Guess that’s one way to find a new match!