Home Entertainment Dubai Dubai restaurants are not required to put up screens this Ramadan

Dubai restaurants are not required to put up screens this Ramadan

Dubai restaurants are not required to put up screens this Ramadan


Food and drinks service will also continue as normal…

Dubai restaurants do not have to put up screens or curtains for daytime dining this Ramadan. According to a statement from Dubai’s Department of Economy and Tourism (DET), “restaurants in the emirate [Dubai] can choose whether or not to place curtains to cover their facades for serving food during fasting hours in line with last year’s guidelines.”

Last year, restaurants in Dubai were permitted to open without curtains or screens during the day in Ramadan for the first time. In previous years, dining outlets were require to shield themselves from view during fasting hours.

The DED statement also said that restaurants can continue service as normal. “All F&B venues can serve food and drinks in line with the approved working hours without applying for a pre-authorisation or a permit.”

Over the years, the UAE has loosened the restrictions on rules surrounding Ramadan. This year, restaurants are able to continue food and drinks service as normal, and bars and nightlife venues will also remain open. However, it’s still expected that there will be no live music or entertainment, with only background music permitted.

The UAE government has already confirmed that workers in both the public and private sectors will be given less working hours during the holy month. Public sector employees will work five hours per day, while those in the private sector will work two hours less than usual.

Ramadan is expected to start this weekend on Saturday, April 2, however this is dependant on the moon sighting. Eid is expected to fall on Monday, May 2, which could mean a five-day weekend for UAE residents.

As always, we’ll be sure to keep you up to date with official announcements as soon as they are made.

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