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These 15 Secrets About John Tucker Must Die Are Pure T-Money

These 15 Secrets About John Tucker Must Die Are Pure T-Money


Metcalfe’s leading ladies bonded onscreen and off, no love quadrangle necessary. Sophia Bush raved to Movieweb about the friendship she formed with co-stars Brittany Snow, Ashanti and Arielle Kebbel on the Vancouver set. 

“And these girls, I couldn’t get through a month without talking to them if I tried,” said the One Tree Hill star, who played Beth, animal lover and John Tucker Girlfriend No. 3. “And we all, whether it was amazing things or not-so-great things, we all had a lot going last summer and we all pulled each other through a lot. And I knew that there was something to it when, at 4 a.m., if one of us was having a problem we could call the other and we’d all end up sleeping in each other’s beds all the time. It was sleep-away camp, it was slumber party time, it was incredible and fun.”

She recalled one night, toward the end of filming, when they were all hanging out in Snow’s room, just because. 

“Brittany and I were on the couch and we’d ordered food and we’re chowing down, and Arielle’s over in the armchair and we’re all writing and she’s putting together a package, and Ashanti’s over sitting at the desk and she’s got her headphones on and she’s working on her new song,” Bush said. “And we’re jamming and we’re at that point where we weren’t even talking, we just wanted to be together. And I was like, this is what I have with my best girlfriends, and this is amazing.”
