The BJP demanded a CBI probe over Manas Saha’s death. Manas Saha was BJP’s candidate in Mograhat West Assembly constituency. On the day of counting, on May 2, he was allegedly attacked by Trinamool miscreants and received grievous head injury, BJP sources said.
Giyasuddin Mollah, the Trinamool MLA, said, “Two hours after the counting got over, some people attacked him outside the booth. There were many people outside the booth, so we have no clear idea who attacked.”
“Any death is unfortunate. We pray for his departed soul and the wellbeing of his son,” Mollah added.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) team registered two more FIRs on Wednesday, taking the total number of cases to 40 in connection with post-poll violence related allegations of murder and rape, following Calcutta High Court’s order of CBI investigation on August 19.
The Calcutta High Court had, on August 19, directed a CBI probe into alleged cases of heinous crimes such as murder and rape which took place immediately after the assembly polls. The Court also constituted a special investigation team (SIT) comprising three senior state police officers to look into other cases of post-poll violence.