“BJP had conducted ‘Chalo Paltai’ campaign in Tripura in 2018. It was a successful campaign but Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah could not do much in Bengal. A change is inevitable in Tripura and it will happen. Abhishek Banerjee will come to Agartala on Monday and he will guide us,” Debanshu Bhattacharya Deb, creator of the jingle ‘Khela Hobe’ said, after reaching Tripura.
TMC spokesperson Debangshu Bhattacharya Deb was the brain behind ‘Khela Hobe’, which became a rage during the Bengal assembly polls, and used by the chief minister at every campaign rally. Post-victory, Mamata Banerjee announced a ‘Khela Hobe’ diwas on August 16 which will be celebrated across the state.Meanwhile, speaking on the TMC’s prospects in Tripura, party MP Saugata Roy said, “There is a possibility of change against Biplab Deb and Mamata Banerjee is a very popular face there. Abhishek Banerjee is going there on Monday and he will chalk out the organisational plans.”Reacting to TMC’s Tripura plans, BJP Bengal president Dilip Ghosh said, “Trinamool Congress has no base in Tripura and outside Bengal. All the Trinamool leaders in that state have joined BJP in the recent past.”