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Egypt changes rules for fighting COVID-19

Egypt changes rules for fighting COVID-19


Egypt’s Ministry of Health and Population has started working to provide new drugs that will change coronavirus resistance by reducing the viral load.

In a statement on Friday, the ministry said that the “molnupiravir” drug reduce the viral load of the disease, and that Egypt is participating in two studies by the company producing the drug.

The ministry noted that the new drugs it is working to provide includes medicines to people in contact with infected cases.

The statement added: “The ministry is heading to study vaccinating children, but their vaccination will not be in general, and priorities will be set for their vaccination.”

The ministry announced vaccinating 2.4 million people working in the state’s administrative apparatus, and the rest of about a million others will be vaccinated within days in addition to vaccinating workers of the Education Ministry.

The ministry said that it has provided two million doses to vaccinate university students and workers in the Ministry of Higher Education before October 9.

It added that Egypt will receive 1.6 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine on September 24, and more than 1,000 refrigerators will be contracted to store the vaccines, as a gift from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

Also, during the next week, Egypt will receive more than 3.5 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
