Home Entertainment India Pm Modi: Need to work in mission mode to help artisans: PM Modi | India News

Pm Modi: Need to work in mission mode to help artisans: PM Modi | India News

Pm Modi: Need to work in mission mode to help artisans: PM Modi | India News


NEW DELHI: Stressing the need for working on “time-bound mission” to help artisans and small businesses, PM Modi on Saturday said that crores of jobs have already been created by skilling the youth under the Skill India Mission and setting up Kaushal Rozgar Kendras, and that skilled craftsmen are symbols of the true spirit of self-reliant India. Modi was addressing the 12th and the last post-Budget webinar on ‘PM Vishwakarma Kaushal Samman‘.
Highlighting importance of empowering rural India for the nation’s growth story, Modi said: “For this, we will have to work in a time-bound mission mode.” He added that PM Vishwakarma Yojana is aimed at handholding of artisans and people associated with small businesses, besides preserving the nation’s rich traditions.
He also reiterated the government’s commitment to provide a holistic institutional support to every artisan to ensure that they get access to easy loans, skilling, technical support, digital empowerment, brand promotion, marketing and raw material.
“Our aim is that Vishwakarmas (artisans and craftsmen) of today become entrepreneurs of tomorrow. For this, sustainability is essential in their business model,” Modi said, adding that the industry can increase production by linking these people with their needs. “This can be a win-win situation for every stakeholder. Corporate companies will get quality products at competitive prices. Banks’ money will be invested in schemes which can be trusted. And this will show the widespread effect of the schemes of the government,” he said.
He said startups can also create a huge market for craft products through the e-commerce model. He asked all stakeholders to prepare a robust blueprint for helping artisans and small businesses.
