WhatsApp recently started to roll out message reactions similar to the ones available on Instagram and Facebook Messenger. The feature allows users to react to messages. Users just have to tap and hold a message that they want to react to and then drag their finger to the appropriate emoji. The reaction appears below the text and will be visible to all members in the group.
But do you know that you can also remove or change your reaction in a WhatsApp chat. To know, how you can edit a WhatsApp message reaction, you can follow these steps:
Open WhatsApp app on your smartphone.
Go to the chat where you wish to remove or change the message reaction.
Tap and hold on the message that you previously reacted to.
If you wish to remove the message reaction, tap on the emoji you previously used to react.
If you wish to change the emoji reaction, tap on the different emoji that you wish to use.
The Facebook owned platform is reportedly planning to improve the feature with more functionalities. As per a report by WABetaInfo, the company is working on a feature that will allow you to view detailed reaction info for automatic albums that are created when you share several media files at once.
Currently when someone reacts to a photo or video that is part of an automatic album, the app does not show which media file has been reacted to without opening the album. The feature under development will help users see the reaction on media without opening the album.