WhatsApp recently started to roll out the multi-device feature that allows users to access the platform on multiple devices even if there is no connectivity on the primary device. Users can link a single WhatsApp account with up to four more devices. However, the feature does not allow you to use your WhatsApp account on any other smartphone. But the Facebook owned platform is reportedly planning to add the functionality that will allow users to use a WhatsApp account on multiple smartphones.
As per a report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp has started to roll out a new beta update for Android users through the Google Play Beta Program. The update brings the version of the app up to As per the report, the update gets references to the second version of multi-device feature that will allow you to link a secondary smartphone with your account.
According to the screenshot shared in the report, you will be able to see a new “Register Device as Companion” section, once the feature is rolled out. The report reveals that the section will show up when you try to open WhatsApp on a secondary mobile device. The screenshot also suggests that you may have to point your main device to the screen of the secondary device to scan QR code to authenticate the link.
As only references to this feature are spotted in the latest beta update, it is not yet known how long it will take for WhatsApp to roll out the feature in a stable release.
WhatsApp is also reportedly working on a new feature that will make it easier for you to message unsaved contacts. Currently when you tap on a phone number in the chat bubble, WhatsApp takes you directly to your default dialer app. With the coming updates, the platform may show you more options after tapping on a phone number.