Rabat — Morocco moves this week to the low level of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), said Sunday the coordinator of the National Center for Public Health Emergency Operations at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Mouad Merabet.
After 4 consecutive weeks of moderate transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (orange criticality level), the positivity rate recorded this week is the lowest in 16 weeks with 3.5%, he said in a post on LinkedIn, specifying that this value is the lowest with a continuously decreasing weekly incidence of 8/100,000 hts, in addition to a number of fatalities also decreasing for 13 weeks.
According to Merabet, the reproduction rate (Rt) of SARS-CoV-2 as of Sunday, October 17 is 0.91 (+ / – 0.02), with a weekly incidence of “Covid Severe” down to <1/100,000 hts, pointing out that two regions are still at the orange level but with a notable and continuous improvement of indicators.
Regarding the cases of hospitalization recorded this week, the coordinator of the National Center for Public Health Emergency Operations reported the admission of 233 people in resuscitation and intensive care against 382 discharged after a favorable evolution.
The degree of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in its delta version is increasingly reduced, he noted, emphasizing the need to maintain higher vigilance. “The passage to the green level does not mean the end of the wave,” he insisted.
In this sense, Merabet deplored the lack of compliance with individual preventive measures, including the wearing of masks and the reluctance or refusal of some people to be vaccinated, despite the protection that the vaccine provides against the development of severe forms of covid-19.
He also warned about the presence of the virus despite a degree of transmission become low, adding that the next two weeks will provide answers on the impact of the easing of restrictive measures, the return to school and university.
To stem the spread of Covid-19, Merabet called for vaccination to avoid developing severe forms of the disease and to respect individual preventive measures and the national therapeutic protocol.