Home Lifestyle & Travel Pakistan Rob Bellingham releases ‘New Testament Profiles in Poetry’

Rob Bellingham releases ‘New Testament Profiles in Poetry’

Rob Bellingham releases ‘New Testament Profiles in Poetry’


In this volume, individuals central to the narrative of Jesus’ ministry share their unique perspectives on what it meant to walk and converse with him

ROTORUA, New Zealand, Nov. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Rob Bellingham reemerges on the literary stage with the release of “New Testament Profiles in Poetry: Through the eyes of people who knew Jesus and led the Church” (published by Xlibris NZ). This publication follows his monumental 1,000-page opus, “The Bible in Verse: A Poetic Interpretation of Holy Scripture,” meticulously crafted over a span of 12 years.

In this volume, individuals central to the narrative of Jesus’ ministry share their unique perspectives on what it meant to walk and converse with him or lead the early church in the first century. The cast of characters includes the original 13 disciples, prominent figures like Paul, Barnabas, Luke, and Silas who played crucial roles in the nascent church, angels acting as messengers of God, and those who opposed Jesus, including Romans with differing beliefs—some acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God, while others persecuted and even killed Christians.

Notably, the most profoundly impacted were those whom Jesus healed, liberating them from recent or lifelong afflictions and even death itself. For them, encountering Jesus was a transformative moment. Throughout history, no individual has left a more profound imprint on human existence than Jesus. Here, readers are invited to perceive Jesus through the eyes of those who were closest to him, offering an intimate glimpse into his extraordinary life and legacy.

“The life, miracles and teachings of Jesus profoundly changed our world and still does. This book takes you into that drama via easy to read poetry. I’m sure you’ll enjoy taking a step back in time to find out how and why through the eyes of people who were there and can report first hand,” Bellingham says. When asked what he wants readers to take away from the book, he answered, “I hope and pray it may inspire Christians and seekers of truth to a deeper love for God as it has done for me, the writer.” For more details about the book, please visit https://www.xlibris.com/en-nz/bookstore/bookdetails/855471-new-testament-profiles-in-poetry

“New Testament Profiles in Poetry: Through the eyes of people who knew Jesus and led the Church”
By Rob Bellingham
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 158 pages | ISBN 9781669881001
E-Book | 158 pages | ISBN 9781669880998
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author
Rob Bellingham’s background is farming in Northland, training for the ministry at Baptist College, serving in New Zealand churches for 10 years before a decade of missionary service in India and Bangladesh. He earned a doctorate in Christian Social Ethics from Eastern Baptist Seminary in Philadelphia in the mid-1980s. He has worked for TEAR Fund and World Vision and has been the international leader of Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor.

Xlibris Publishing New Zealand, an Author Solutions, LLC imprint, is a self-publishing services provider dedicated to serving the needs of Kiwi authors. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists and adopting the latest print-on-demand publishing technology and strategies, we provide expert publishing services with direct and personal access to quality publication in hardcover, trade paperback, custom leather-bound and full-color formats. To date, Xlibris has helped to publish more than 60,000 titles. For more information, visit xlibrispublishing.com.au or call 0-800-008-756 to receive a free publishing guide.

Media Contact

Marketing Services, XlibrisNZ, 0-800-008-756, [email protected], https://www.xlibris.com/en-nz/bookstore/bookdetails/855471-new-testament-profiles-in-poetry 

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