Home Religion India Amavasya January 2024: New Moon in Sagittarius, its effects on all zodiac signs

Amavasya January 2024: New Moon in Sagittarius, its effects on all zodiac signs

Amavasya January 2024: New Moon in Sagittarius, its effects on all zodiac signs


New Moon in Sagittarius: Amavasya has its own religious and spiritual importance. This day occurs when there is no visibility of Moon in the sky that’s why it is also called as New Moon day. This day is considered as the one of those day when you can perform puja for your ancestors or forefathers. Also, taking bath on this day in Ganga River is also highly rewarding.This is the first Amavasya of the year 2024 so this is known as Pausha Amavasya. It is being observed today i.e., January 11, 2024.
People organise various puja such as Pitru Puja, Pitru Tarpan and also Pin Daan. This day is dedicated to worship ancestors so it is advised that people who have Pitru Dosha in their birth chart, they can perform puja at any sacred place or at home also. Now a days Moon is travelling in Sagittarius and other planets such as Sun, Mars and Mercury are also present in this zodiac sign. This is a combination of 4 different powerful planets and that is going to give its effects on different zodiac signs.
Today we are going to talk about Moon that how this Amavasya is going to affect you so let’s check out ..!!
The new moon inspires you to take risks. This will bring wisdom and adventure to your life. Your interest of exploring new things is shaped by your past experiences. As you pursue your dreams, have faith in your beliefs and pay attention to your emotions. This new moon is guiding you on a significant journey for your future.
There’s something deep within you, Taurus. This new moon is all about transitions, especially in areas of your life where strong bonds are involved. It’s asking you to speak up about something you’ve been holding back. Don’t let fear prevent you from attempting anything new.
The new moon implies it’s time to let go of the past relationship. Never ignore your opinions or knowledge in order to appease others. Relationships may come up again into your life, especially when Jupiter will make a connection with talkative Mercury. This moon is encouraging you to claim your identity.
This new moon is influenced by Jupiter. It may increase your anxiety and panics. During this time you might feel divine connection. You have the opportunity to modify your daily schedule in order to lead a better lifestyle that promotes your wellbeing while keeping your professional obligations in mind.
The new moon this month is rejuvenating a creative and self-expression-related area of your life. Jupiter is situated in a sign related to authority and profession. It inspires you to combine your job and your interest. You have the courage to rewrite your tale and show who you really. You will be able to take risk. There will be opportunities to pursue new leadership chances.
This new moon gives you a fresh start in your personal life. It tests your ability to let go of outdated narratives that creates a barrier in your progress. There may be problems in relationships with secrets and honesty. On the other hand, telling the truth could make things easier for you to move ahead.
You can’t foretell the future, but it helps to concentrate on your long-term objectives. The Sagittarius new moon encourages speaking up and looking for outside assistance. Jupiter’s influence you to speak up about your needs and do not hesitate in expressing them to others. Uncertainty may exist, but don’t allow yourself to take a step back from your goal.
If your efforts aren’t yielding the desired outcomes, it’s time to think about a different strategy. It’s a chance to consider your self-worth. Even though there is some ambiguity regarding Moon’s influence as it provides you with the courage to take on new tasks pertaining to your productivity and health. Remain committed to your objectives because you’re on a promising path.
You will feel energised and prepared for personal development. Jupiter’s impact on your daily activities and health encourages you to concentrate on the things that are important and productive. You might feel a divine connection between you and your lover. New marriage proposals can come your way.
This new moon is highlighting the love and support that surrounds you. You are advised to take a break form hectic schedule and rejuvenate. You will feel relaxed during this time period. You should ay attention to your body and trust your intuition.
The new moon highlights your friendships and how you fit in with groups. Jupiter’s influence on your emotional life and family might bring up memories from your past. Changes at home or in holiday traditions could cause some tension, but there’s a chance to meet like-minded people. You’re urged to take charge and lead some changes in your surroundings.
You are encouraged to venture outside of your comfort zone in order to grow by this new moon. Concentrate on your abilities and interactions as you revitalise a portion of your life. You will create a positive aura by your personality. Believe in your abilities that you are more talented than you realise.
