Home Religion India Aquarius Yearly Horoscope Prediction 2024: Your sources of income will be increased

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope Prediction 2024: Your sources of income will be increased

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope Prediction 2024: Your sources of income will be increased


Aquarius Horoscope 2024: This year 2024 will give auspicious results for the natives of Aquarius zodiac sign. Jupiter in the third house will highlight your special knowledge. In the beginning of the January, the desired achievement will be achieved through mental effort rather than physical effort.
In the month of February, you will get high level success in administrative education like engineering, medical, law, administration etc.In March-April 2024, people with Aquarius zodiac sign will benefit in the field of film, television, advertising and journalism.
In the second half of the year 2024, i.e. in the month of July-August, there will be a possibility of opening quick sources of income from appreciation work. In the month of September and October, you should try to avoid long distance trips.
In the month of November and December, you will likely to go for long distance trips and spiritual places with the family and friends. Your sources of income will also be increased in this duration.
For women- During this year, women with Aquarius zodiac sign will work as senior officers in big companies. Due to presence of Sun, Ketu as well as Mars in the ninth house, whereas earlier the dominance of men was maintained, this year the dominance of women will also increase.
Married life – Mutual harmony and good health of the life partner will ensure marital happiness and prosperity.
Students – Due to the conjunction of Mercury with Ketu and Venus, students of IT, software, hotel and banking education will get success.
Vehicles, property – Your property will likely to be doubled in this year. People who do not have a vehicle will buy a new vehicle.
