The BJP‘s Jammu and Kashmir unit on Sunday conducted working committee meetings of 12 districts across the Union Territory as part of efforts to strengthen the organisation. A day-long working committee meetings of 12 organizational districts including Samba, Kashmir Displaced, Doda, Rajouri, Jammu South, Srinagar, Budgam, Ganderbal, Bandipora, Anantnag, Kulgam and Pulwama, a Bharatiya Janata Party spokesperson said.
In Doda district, J&K BJP General Secretary (organization) Ashok Koul chiefly addressed the working committee meeting of district, while Lok Sabha MP Jugal Kishore Sharma, BJP Vice-President and former minister SS Salathia chaired meeting in Samba district.
Former deputy chief minister Kavinder Gupta addressed the meeting of South Jammu district, and BJP General Secretary and former MLC Vibodh Gupta chaired meeting in Rajouri district, spokesperson said.
In Kashmir Displaced district, Jammu Municipal Corporation Mayor Rajinder Sharma addressed the working committee meeting, while the meeting in Srinagar was chaired by Anwar Khan, prabhari, and Ashok Bhat, BJP’s district president.