
The economic headwinds seem to be hurting Facebook-parent Meta. The company has reportedly sent a memo to all managers asking them to identify and “move to exit” poor performers “who are unable to get on track.” The news of the memo first appeared in The Information which cites a post on Meta’s internal message board from vice president of Remote Presence and Engineering Maher Saba. As per Saba’s LinkedIn profile, he has been with Facebook for 8 years. Before this he was with Microsoft. He was with the software giant for 15 years and nine months.
Here are the key excerpts from the letter:
* “If a direct report is coasting or is a low performer, they are not who we need; they are failing this company. As a manager, you cannot allow someone to be net neutral or negative for Meta.”
* Saba set Monday deadline for managers to identify the employees. He instructed managers to identify out employees on their team who “need support” by 5 pm Monday. It is yet not clear if this Monday is July 11 or July 18.
Recently, Meta chief product officer Chris Cox detailed the company’s financial dilemma in an internal memo. The note outlined the priorities and challenges to the company’s business going forward. It also detailed key areas where the social media giant plans to invest.
“Every six months, we take stock of our product portfolio and investment plans across the company to assess how we are doing and chart the way forward. As a part of this, we evaluate which areas require the most new incremental investment relative to their current staffing levels, then publish these as guidance for managers and leaders deploying scarce resources for the next six-month period. These are the areas where we see the biggest opportunities for angle-changes in the value we can deliver for people, or businesses, or for our own business, by investing disproportionately relative to our current baseline,” read the memo. It is followed by the six priorities that include: Metaverse; Reels + Discovery Engine; Community Messaging; AI; Privacy and Monetization.
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