Home Entertainment Selena Gomez says she’s stayed off the internet for more than four years

Selena Gomez says she’s stayed off the internet for more than four years

Selena Gomez says she’s stayed off the internet for more than four years


Now, Gomez says she’s not been on the internet for four and a half years.

“It has changed my life completely, Gomez told “Good Morning America.”

“I am happier, I am more present, I connect more with people,” Gomez said. “I understand how powerful the internet is, and in so many ways it’s done the best things for the world. But for me, I get to my news that is actually important I get through people in my life.”

The singer/actress/producer, who currently has more than 300 million followers on Instagram, is promoting Wondermind, a mental health platform she helped found.
Gomez, who has been outspoken about her challenges including, having bipolar disorder, told “GMA” the goal is to make resources available to those in need.

“There are places where people go when they need help, and it’s unfortunate that they cost ridiculous amounts of money,” Gomez said. “But [as with] Planned Parenthood, there’s a place for women to feel okay and to feel understood, and I want that for mental health.”
