Home Technology & Startups Turkey 4. CODE Awards Completed

4. CODE Awards Completed

4. CODE Awards Completed


4. CODE Awards Completed! The fourth KOD Awards, which was implemented by the Turkish Informatics Foundation for the first time in Turkey and where educational games in the fields of mathematics and science are awarded, took place on December 15th. Organized by the Turkish Informatics Foundation (TBV); In the fourth KOD Awards Competition, where educational games and game ideas in the fields of mathematics and science are rewarded, the projects and ideas that were ranked were announced at the online award ceremony.

4. CODE Awards

4. code awards completed

Amber Duru Konca and Defne Yaşar came first among the students in the game category with their play “Combating Environmental Pollution”, while Şeyma İnceler was the first with the “7th continent” play. Gani Doğan Yimenicioğlu won the individual first place in the game category with the game “World Cleaner”.

In the Idea category, Azra Şener became the winner with the “ÇVD” game, while Mehmet Yusuf Turhan became the winner with the “Trout in the Water” game.

4. code awards completed

“We are confident that young people will be their signature in the future”
Speaking at the ceremony, TBV President Faruk Eczacıbaşı said, “I would like to thank UNDP as well. They made a very important contribution to shaping our awards. This year, we included three of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely sustainable cities, and living spaces, life in water, and life on land, and announced them as criteria. Both as the Turkish Informatics Foundation and within the framework of our activities, we believe that the education of young people, especially the environment and planetary education, is important. We have adopted as a principle to focus on these issues in our work. We trust our young people, we are sure that young people will be their signature in the future”.

4. code awards completed

“5. The CODE Awards will hopefully be face to face again”
“Ozan Aydemir, the founder of Gaming in Turkey agency, who has served as a jury for 4 years, said, “It is a great feeling to see and evaluate such good ideas and games of our youth. Of course, even though we are sad about not being able to come together due to the circumstances, I hope we will come together again next year and hold a much more interactive KOD Awards (CODE Awards) as in the first periods. It is our greatest desire to combine education with games and gamified fiction.” said

Faruk Eczacıbaşı, Vice Chairman of Eczacıbaşı Holding and Chairman of the Turkish Informatics Foundation, Barış Özistek, Chairman of Netmarble EMEA, Founder of Gaming in Turkey Gaming and Esports Agency Ozan Aydemir, Head of Digital Game Design at Bahçeşehir University / Founder and Director of BAU Game Lab Güven Çatak, Enka Schools Middle School Principal Dr. Özlem Mecit, METU Audio-Visual Systems Research and Application Center Director Kürşat Çağıltay, İşbank Talent Management Department Manager Niyazi Arda Aygül, Code.org Turkey Representative / Robincode Founder Gözde Erbaz and UNDP Strategic Partnerships, Corporate Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Platform Leader Hansın The sponsors of the KOD Awards, in which Doğan took part as a jury, were Eczacıbaşı Holding, Türkiye İş Bankası, Netmarble EMEA and Robincode.

What is CODE Awards?
CODE Awards; It is organized in order to emphasize the importance and contribution of digital games in education at primary, secondary and high school education levels, to strengthen the work of individuals and institutions that produce ideas, develop and adapt games in this field, and to encourage the growing generations.
