Home Business, Finance & Economics Egypt US Dollar in Egypt maintains stable exchange rate on Tuesday

US Dollar in Egypt maintains stable exchange rate on Tuesday

US Dollar in Egypt maintains stable exchange rate on Tuesday


On Tuesday, the US dollar prices stabilized remarkably against the Egyptian pound, in the Banque Misr, the National Bank of Egypt, and exchange firms.


The Al-Ahram Portal website published Tuesday’s exchange rates for the US dollar:

Banque Misr:

Purchase: LE15.64

Sale: LE15.74


National Bank of Egypt:

Purchase: LE15.64

Sale: LE15.74


Commercial International Bank:

Purchase: LE15.66

Sale: LE15.76


Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank:

Purchase: LE15.68

Sale: LE15.76


Central Bank of Egypt:

Purchase: LE15.66

Sale: LE15.75


What is the difference between the sale and purchase prices of currencies?

The sale price of currencies is the price at which citizens sell currencies to a bank or exchange company.

The purchase price of currencies is the price at which citizens buy currencies at banks, and is usually higher than the sale price.
