Home Technology & Startups Malaysia Ghost Recon Frontline Is Another F2P Ubisoft Battle Royale

Ghost Recon Frontline Is Another F2P Ubisoft Battle Royale

Ghost Recon Frontline Is Another F2P Ubisoft Battle Royale


The free-to-play battle royale fad is still going strong, and Ubisoft has announced another entry into the genre. The publisher announced Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Frontline, which has all the same flavours of the f2p battle royale space. Because it’s not enough to chase the team shooter trend.

For one, the main game mode, called Expedition, has players get in teams of three, competing against 99 other players in their own teams of three. Not only do you have to survive, you’ll also have to gather intel, complete objectives, and then safely extract from the map. It sounds a lot like the Dark Zone in The Division games.

Features that set Ghost Recon Frontline apart include the presence of character classes. You can also change characters on the fly, presumably meaning you can swap to another class that performs better in your current situation.

Ghost Recon Frontline trailer

Then there’s also a 9v9 Control mode, which sounds more like your traditional shooter Deathmatch. Though details on this mode is still scarce at the moment.

Ghost Recon Frontline is currently still in development, but when it is done it will be available for both generations of both console brands, as well as PC. No date the actual release, but Ubisoft will first be conducting a PC technical test in Europe on 14 October.

(Source: Ubisoft [1], [2] via Eurogamer)
