Along with the iPhone 13 series, Apple also launched its new Apple Watch Series 7. While flaunting a new design and specifications, Apple introduced a minor change inside the box of the Watch 7. Instead of the regular USB Type-A charging port for the Apple Watch charger, the company has introduced a USB Type-C charging cable with the Apple Watch 7.
Now, what’s interesting is that the older Apple Watch SE will also receive a USB-C charging cable in the package, a new report on MacRumors suggests. Previously, Watch SE used to ship with USB-A cable.
Although the cable USB-C fast charging cable can charge Apple Series 7 watch 33% faster, the same cable will charge the Watch SE at standard speed as the fast charging feature is only limited to new models.
Having said that, Apple Watch SE buyers will also need to have a USB-C wall charger to recharge their smartwatches.
Apple launched Watch SE last year and the smartwatch is placed above the Watch Series 3. Powered by the S5 chip used in Watch Series 5, Watch SE comes with an optical heart rate sensor, fall detection and always-on altimeter.
Available in 40mm and 44mm size options, Apple Watch SE has a retina LTPO OLED display but it lacks always-on functionality, first seen on Watch Series 6. Watch SE also has a speaker and microphone similar to the Series 6 model.
The affordable smartwatch option from Apple also misses out on ECG and blood oxygen monitoring. Watch SE claims an 18-hour battery life and takes 2.5 hours to charge.
Although, the new Apple Watch Series 7 and Watch SE will now ship with USB-C cable. Apple will continue to provide USB-A charging cable with its cheapest smartwatch Series 3.