Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri jointly inaugurated the Najafgarh-Dhansa Bus Stand extension of the Grey Line of the Delhi Metro on Saturday via video conferencing. As per DMRC officials, passenger services on the corridor will commence at 5 pm on September 18.
The nearly one-kilometre-long corridor has been opened after a delay of over a month which occurred as a result of approach road-related issues. The metro is now accessible in the interior areas of Najafgarh. Earlier, the Dwarka-Najafgarh corridor was opened in October 2019.
The Dhansa Bus Stand station has been adorned with artwork and photographs, which display the heritage, culture, flora and fauna of the locality.
The extension of the 4.2-km Grey Line (Dwarka-Najafgarh corridor) will benefit the residents of the interior areas of Najafgarh, Arvind Kejriwal said on Saturday.
“During the election campaign in February 2015, this was a demand made by the people. After the government was formed, this scheme was approved. Special thanks to the central government for cooperating with the people of Delhi in implementing the metro plan,” CM Arvind Kejriwal said.
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— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) September 18, 2021
Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri added, “This is a small but a very important line. The number of people travelling in the metro daily in Delhi may reach more than 80 lakh. It is 65 lakh per day on average at present.”
He also said that Delhi has the potential to be a city like Paris and London.
Union Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs Kaushal Kishore and Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot were also present for the inauguration event.
In a first for the DMRC network, Delhi Metro has built an underground integrated parking facility at Dhansa Bus Stand station that will allow commuters to park their vehicles and move to the concourse area directly, officials had said in July.
“The Dhansa Bus Stand metro station on the Dwarka-Najafgarh-Dhansa Bus Stand corridor will be the first ever underground metro station of the Delhi Metro network to have an entire underground floor dedicated for parking of vehicles,” the DMRC had said.
(With inputs from PTI)
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