Amitabh Bachchan welcomed former cricketers Virender Sehwag and Sourav Ganguly on Kaun Banega Crorepati 13 this Friday (September 3). The duo won Rs 25 lakh on the show. Apart from answering the questions asked by Amitabh Bachchan, Ganguly and Sehwag even entertained the viewers with some fun banter on KBC 13. Prince of Kolkata was seen talking about his love for Kolkata’s puchka(panipuri).
Sourav Ganguly and Virendra Sehwag had an amazing time on KBC 13 with Amitabh Bachchan. The superstar was in splits while conversing with the two cricketing legends. The first question for Rs 1,000, was related to Kolkata’s street food Jhaal Muri. This led to an interesting conversation over street food. Sharing his struggling days in Kolkata, Amitabh Bachchan said he used to survive on jhaal muri.
When Big B asked Sourav Ganguly about his favourite street food, he promptly replied puchka. When Virendra Sehwag said that his favourite food is Chhole Kulchha and Chhole Bature, Ganguly wasn’t too impressed. He said that nothing is better than puchka. He even went on to explain the process of how the puchka is made, to which Sehwag asked him to concentrate on the game.
Later, Sourav Ganguly was seen quizzing Big B. The Deewar star confessed that now he can understand how contestants feel when on the hot seat. However, he answered all questions, which were related to cricket, with a lot of ease. While, asking the questions, Ganguly showed a picture and asked Big B to identify the batsman. He said that it was him. In the photo, Amitabh Bachchan was seen in cricket gear, which was clicked at the Eden Garden Stadium in Kolkata.
Revealing the story behind the picture, he said that it was clicked at Eden Garden during a match between the Bombay Film Industry and the Bengal Film Industry. He then mentioned that he got a lot of positivity from the people of Bengal and even requested his peers from the film industry to visit the state and interact with the people there.
The duo shared interesting anecdotes on the show from their cricketing days. Before the episode came to an end, Sourav Ganguly and Virendra Sehwag won Rs 25 lakh on KBC 13. The amount won the show will go to Sourav Ganguly Foundation and Virendra Sehwag Foundation.
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