ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) on Saturday issued the final syllabus for the Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT 2021).
The syllabus was uploaded on the official portal after approval from the PMC Council.
“In order to standardize the admission process, the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) has decided to conduct a uniform admission test for all medical and dental institutions in Pakistan to ensure that all candidates are given equal opportunity to perform,” according to the preamble.
One of the greatest challenges, it said, was to devise a common syllabus that encompasses not only the content taught in the premedical years but to note the topics missing from various syllabi.
“The MDCAT syllabus will not favour any group or place another to any disadvantage.”
It added that the National Medical and Dental Academic Board of the PMC had reviewed the syllabi documents of Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad, MCAT syllabus (AAMC), Punjab Boards Committee of Chairmen, Sindh Boards Committee of Chairmen and University of Cambridge A level syllabus.
The PMC stated that the MDCAT is designed to evaluate the problem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioural, and social sciences concepts and principles of a candidate required to the study of medicine.
It will be a standardized multiple-choice computer-based examination that will also test the aspirants’ other abilities like intuitive and critical thinking skills.